Caricamento in corso...

The Long Goodbye

To Kayla

It started nearly two years ago back when we first said goodbye, through the faults of my own our love was shattered with a lie.
It still pains me today like it pained me back then and this lonely love lost feeling still will not come to an end.
I see you in my dreams and i still feel you in my heart, i lay awake and wonder if there is any love left for me to make another start.
But I know deep down that our love has come to an end, it is clear that all i can now ever be to you is a somewhat distant friend.
I cant imagine that this love i feel for you will ever fade but i have to get use to that decision that you have made.
I will always love you and you will always be the apple of my eye but sadly it is time, time for the long goodbye.



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Altre opere di Ashley Hammond...
