
I lost more than I could give

I lost a heart and a half that night.
But the truth is, my soul had withered
long before then, fragments were sacrificed.
I walked around with blood between my fingers.
I wonder what he would say,
What they would think if they knew,
What lay under my nails,
What shivered and shuddered in my deadened soul.
Would he find beauty in the complete decay,
In the complete darkness,
Would he be smart enough to love
The dark...
The dark that swallowed me like some
Great well. Took me into her own,
Saw me for what I was...
A constellation of pain.
A coalescence of hate,
My legs were broken before
I could walk, and I still can’t
Move without a limp.
The concrete broke me into
Something whole, something whole
And something ugly, and no matter
How much sun I swallow,
The dark is still my home.
A pair of brown eyes haunt me still.
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