
Lillies on the doorstep

My grief comes late, it waits
For closed doors and silent rays of light
To hit bowed back and clasped hands.
There was no swan song for me to marvel,
Only the broken and slow realisation
That a universe had collapsed in on itself
And that shining hope in the enduring night
Was a gravesite.
How do you unlearn love?
How do you allow the winter into your green spring?
How do you forget the warmth of joy once known?
Where do I lay my heart to rest,
When you are gone?
I never saw your body,
but I heard you died in pain.
Was it a mercy, to know the universe’s complete passion
in your final moment?
The wind brings with it memories,
and a deep ache I can’t forgive from my soul
The swallow cries into the dark night,
And no song beckons back.
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