Caricamento in corso...

The empty chair

The empty chair.
Everywhere we look and stare,
there seems to be an empty chair,
the football stadium wont be the same,
without you there every game,
you were the teams biggest fan,
that’s why we loved you nan,
at the table eating grub,
to a Saturday night, down the club,
everywhere we look and stare,
still we see that empty chair,
at home is where it hits us most,
a letter addressed to you, comes in the post,
for these are the days when your truly missed,
for one of your hugs or just to be kissed,
within our family, you were the rock,
so when you passed, it came as a shock,
there’s so much we needed to share,
but still we see an empty chair,
to granddad, you were the love of his life,
and he was proud that you were his wife,
but everyday that your not here,
we will think of you and hope you appear,
but up in heaven is now where you sit,
by gods side, is just where you fit.


