Caricamento in corso...

Unending thoughts

You continually hurt me, but I continually want you...
These back and forth games..they finally started to haunt you...
I hold my breathe while the words I don’t want to hear come from your mouth... the words that are so familiar but I am so sick of going down this route...
Why is it that we alway want what we can’t have... why can’t we just be glad with what we had... I’m sick of always being sad and wondering why I am not used to being where I am at..can’t I just move on and accept the change that’s going on.. even though it may not be something I’m sure of... why can’t my heart just stop hurting... why does it feel like someone is sitting on me and I can’t breathe... constantly panicking and over thinking situations that ill never see....eye to eye is what you say... we’re not meant for each other... we can’t be one needs to disagree so much... clearly we were unhappy... maybe if I just wasn’t nagging you so much’d be glad to see me... tell me that you loved me and that I am all you needed?...why do I feel so dead... my heart is screaming but I have no feelings... the feelings I feel I don’t want to feel because they’re not the feelings you feel so I rather just really not all... I just want this to stop....I just want this to ..go away....I want to love again... I want someone to love me as much as I love them... I want them to need me as much as I need them, despite the arguments we have... because we know we could never be with out one another next to another....I just want this... this....why is this so hard to fix....


Altre opere di Carissa Gonzalez...
