Caricamento in corso...


They said home is where the heart is
but I lost mine long ago
I wish I could say I dropped it
last winter in the snow
Instead I must confess
that none of that is true
what the weather was I cannot say
the times I left my bed were few
The moment when it left me
I cannot recall
the only thing I do remember
is feeling really small
And shrivelled like a prune
left too long in the sun
it didn’t matter
nothing seemed like fun
I wish that I could blame him
But I don’t think I should
I said that I’d try harder too
and knew I never would
It wasn’t that I didn’t want
to give it my best shot
If anything the problem was
I wanted that a lot
I suppose that it could be that
lost is not the right word here
perhaps tossed is a better fit
or disregarded out of fear
In the end it doesn’t matter
it’s gone anyway and
I don’t think I’ll find it
not tomorrow, not today.

Altre opere di Chloe Kincaid...
