Caricamento in corso...

The Beating Sound

Can you hear that,
Does any one hear it,
It’s deafening,
How can you not hear it,
It’s terrible,
It’s so sad,
Can’t you hear the screaming,
The crying,
The moaning,
How can you not hear it,
It’s so loud,
I don’t understand how I am the only
one that can hear it,
I don’t..
That’s it,
It’s inside me,
It’s my heart,
Oh my,
How did I not know the hurt it was
It’s unbelievable,
I pushed it all out of my mind,
And I thought I was okay,
But it just got louder,
Not letting me forget,
Reminding me of the agony,
That sound,
No wonder you couldn’t hear it,
This beating sound that sounded like
screams and cries,
It was inside me all along,
It was my broken heart.

Altre opere di Unseen Girl...
