Caricamento in corso...


In memory of a child

This face it haunts my dreams. This voice echoes it seems. Those eyes are always on me. Seeming to ask help me please. I saw her hours before she died and now I can’t seem to hide from the guilt that I feel for not knowing the danger was real.

If I could go back I’d change everything that smiling little face would never no pain. A beautiful child that died so young. At the hands of a cruel man that shouldn’t have breath. An angel created in heaven now by her death.

I think of her often now almost everyday. That beautiful child that I couldn’t save. Tears come to my eyes every time I think of her. A sweet little girl that should have had her whole life ahead of her.

This pain swallows me and breaks my heart. That man that hurt her I could rip apart. I’d give anything to change the past. But I’ll pray for her and remember she with the father our lord at last.

He will hold her and heal all her pain. He will welcome her to heaven once again. A halo will be placed upon her little head and he will take away all that she dreads. The lord will lift her up high and she will becoming a wondrous light in a dark sky. Amen

