Caricamento in corso...

Step out not too far


Watch out – in the very next moment Ill know
Ill read day and night – cause you think I read much
Ill know everything, what you think I know – and what you think is much
Stand out – in the very next moment Ill drive
Drive to a home, a wasteland of youth
I drive drunken trips to find the proto-truth
Speed out –  the very next moment changes my life
Entity studied me, one half is now broken
I save the other, run with my book still smokin
Read out the very next hymn of the Veda
I know what you demand of my ages
whilst you dont know that Im kept in cages
Freak out – and in the very next second be calm
Sit and wait it out, after four years abandoned,
the collapse of my system, released by a sisters commandment

Altre opere di Leóþwyrhta Uhtfloga...
