
Oh please Daily Mail! Wills Windsor is obviously no hunk; literally or even pathetically risibly!

By Stanley Collymore
William a scintillating hunk? No
he isn’t! And those of you who
think so, undeniably do need
to make an urgent appointment, to see
a literally, competent ophthalmologist!
For as far as that clearly undoubtedly
common, terminology is distinctively
naturally understood, and effectively
without either, his crucially inherited
positions and clearly, unwarrantedly
acquired enormous wealth he’ll just
really, be another tall, baldy nobody.
Hence the relentless PR, so literally
outrageously and quite ridiculously
but aptly dispensed at your behest
Daily Mail by your aptly discernibly
odious clearly brownnosing hacks
to these crucially, vile sycophantic
morons, obviously of your own, as
well as William’s! And distinctively
as my remarks to this poem show
with essentially so, apt reasoning.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
This new PR, evidently from the William camp, comes with the rather necessary message that they desperately actually need to put out. That William, the soon to be and potentially single "hunky" very global, statesman guy with Kate: rather distinctly, the clearly obsessively social climbing, quite ironically and despite all of her endeavours ending up effectively emotionally on William's part, distinctly no different from his mother Diana was to Charles, being solely his quite useful Stepford wife, and the fitting provider of Charles' own heir and spare, and family history, now in William's case, distinctly repeating itself, with Waity Katie simply and rather discernibly self-evidently, on her way out!

A situation, that not only William's own PR but rather unquestionably also the Daily Mail's completely in conjunction with each other, is telecasting to all the yummy dollies, letting them know quite explicitly what's about to happen. Truly par for the course where very decidedly so every randy Prince of Wales holder - notoriously so Edward VII, the enduring lover of married Alice Keppel, basically in reality, Camilla Parker Bowles' great grandmother; similarly as well Edward VIII, with the quite married Vicountess Thelma Furness before she was readily dispensed with for Wallis Simpson; of course Charles obviously with Camilla Parker Bowles; now equally hunky dory, lol, "hunky" William himself!

Seriously, it basically does beat me that the most distinctly viciously castigated, by outlets rather evidently like the Daily Mail, North Korean state media cannot honestly report - as it evidently doesn't happen - that that state media actually gushes over Kim Jong Un the leader of North Korea, as the Daily Mail together with its hacks do over this very useless and rather incessantly taxpayer funded, Windsor family. No wonder you literally think that William is a hunk with the lot of you quite obviously, distinctly bloody well needing your eyes tested!

Interestingly enough these serial adulterous monarchical and likewise likeminded well-heeled and distinctly self-entitled men invariably, although not always, made sure that their selected mistresses were legally married. This, for their own sake, ensured, publicly at any rate, the hypocritical scenario if these women got pregnant by their well-heeled lovers, that their bastard sprogs would none the less be automatically deemed as the "legitimate" offspring of their own husbands.

Husbands, meanwhile, who were themselves usually very cognizant of what was going on, readily accepted payments from their wives' lovers to literally keep their mouths shut about their wives' adultery while publicly accepting "paternity" for the children they didn't sire, as well as not uncommonly so for many of them, as in addition to being cuckolds several of them were also biologically azoospermiacs, as they likewise blatantly covered up their own state of being wantonly cuckolded.

Added to that was their ardent desire to stay well within this privileged circle of which they were undoubtedly a part; knowing full well that if they were foolhardy enough to make a public or legal fuss, separation or divorce readily comes to mind, about what had transpired within their individual marriage, they would most certainly and unceremoniously be blacklisted from this cherished circle of which they were a part with the unflattering situation for them as an alternative of being enforcedly obliged societally to join the ranks of the plebeians who they avowedly despised; a situation much worse for them than being a cuckolded moron. And is still a recurring state of affairs nowadays.

Wilkommen, meine Dame und Herren, in der Denkweise des Mittelalters, die unter den monarchischen und erblichen, kontrollierenden Eliten in Vereinigten Koenigreich des 21. Jahrhunderts immer noch weit verbreitet ist!

#Greed #SelfEntitlement

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