Caricamento in corso...


To be special is to to be equal on every level, sure to reciprocate if I’m the only one you make feel special, make suggestions, make decisions without my opinion but I still let you . I shouldn’t question it but I do, you should respect it cus it’s true, when we’re together I should be the main one you give your attention too . I understand that your nice, but my mind is so precise, had to get this off my chest before I later pay the price . I hope that you memorize, that I hate to be generalized, unique and special is how I chose to spend my life . But I don’t ask for what I don’t Awready give, and I don’t fear situations that I haven’t Awready lived, I just can’t up and give trust away to my peers, cus they aren’t loyal individuals that I knew for some years . It’s cool to be social, coolin, talking, & speaking, but there’s no way another person should get the same treatment . Maybe I’m trippin but I don’t know, this is a little bit of how I’m feeling and I thought you should know .

Altre opere di Cotrice Thomas...
