Caricamento in corso...

How could you?

How could you just watch me cry?
How could you walk away from us?
Do you not know how much I love you?
You have hurt me in so many ways.
I try to do everything I can to make you happy,
but I just can’t.
I don’t mean to do anything wrong.
I don’t ever want to hurt you.
It kills me that I almost lost you.
I just don’t know what to do anymore.
Should I just give up on us like you almost did?
Am I doing the right thing by staying with you?
I really want to make this thing work.
I loved you since day one.
Can we just start over but move more slower.
But with sweet saying’s, kisses on the cheek, you carrying my books, and opening the door for me.
For you being the sweetest guy you could be.
I love you with every ounce of my heart.


Altre opere di Danielle Ivy Rae Reynolds...
