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Why won’t they fall

I feel so emotional but yet no tear is falling.
I feel my eyes are full of water but yet no tears
I’ve became so numb to pain that tears aren’t falling.
Sad movies sad music sad story yet no tears
I  just want to crawl under an rock and never come out
I want to be isolated from the world
Nobody understands the thoughts and pain you have to fight thru
Would I be better off dead
Would I be able to finally release those tears
Nobody understands you
No one will ever understand the fighting of demons in your head
They say your weak
They say your crazy
They say you want attention
But they don’t know how hard it is to not be in control of your feelings
Your emotions
Your thoughts
Why aren’t the tears falling down my eyes yet They are so heavy
Why aren’t the tears strolling down my cheeks when I can no longer hold it in
Is it because I’m strong
Or is it my demons in my head playing tricks
I sit here and I wonder when will this end
When will I be myself again
Is that even possible to be myself again and not floating outside of my body
My body is falling apart
My body is shutting down
But yet I get up every day eyes still heavy demons still roaming in my head taking control
I want to be alone far away from anyone even my love ones to them its abandonment but they will never understand what your going thru I feel so far gone beyond repair
What is out there to help me repair
To where I’m a zombie with horrible side affects
To just see someone nod their head pretending to understand
To losing your freedom beyond repair
What is out there
A black hole waiting for me to fall down deep
Hiding from your demons under dark sheets
Just want to float in the ocean and slowly fade away.
The ocean is my peace it’s relaxes me
But yet I just want to walk til I can’t touch bottom anymore
Just slowly sinking as my body releases the tears that wouldn’t fall
That just wouldn’t shed
I just want to be free
Free from what
My pain
My suffering
My demons
My mind
My body
Don’t cry when I’m gone cause now I will finally will be free
I see myself outside my body smiling down and tears flowing down my cheeks as I float away in the deep blue sea. That will be the day life will be great and I’m in control.
Why does it seems like death is the answer
Well what is?
How do you tell someone who’s been fighting depression anxiety demons for so long that everything is going to be OK?
You can’t
You simple can’t.
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