Caricamento in corso...

The Recovery

Light stabs the dark, the cycle starts
Softness and warmth are overbearingly strong
Shapes become memory emboldened, true
Sad songs drift at edge threatening to overcome
A smile, a laugh, these things seem distant but close
My heart bursts with love thrown away
Questioning logic begs to ask but knows the zero answer
There is no quench for this thirst
Personal bonds give sustenance food cannot
Strength in emotions enacted from words and memory
I stand with help of my own former self
Finished with weakness yet still weak of body
Somehow the sun brings in hope
Light doesn’t heal but exposes myself
Somehow laughter goes unforced
Somehow... I heal.
The dark rallies and the light fails for a short while
Strength is renewed with sweet darkness
Confidence peeks out but for a short while
Tomorrow the light will begin its battle anew.


Altre opere di David Sohn...
