Caricamento in corso...


& they’ll wonder why she did it,
Why she put that blade to her skin
They’ll wonder why she felt like it,
What made her do it,
They’ll blame her home life,
Her lacking love life,
They’ll blame the betrayal,
The unreturned love,
Or they’ll blame it on a craving for attention,
But what they won’t think of is the real reason,
Why she put that blade to her skin.
She didn’t do it for a boy who didn’t love her,
She didn’t do it because she lost a friend, She didn’t do it because she was jealous.
She did it because she is inadequate,
Not pretty,
Not funny,
Not skinny,
Not smart,
She did it because she isn’t enough.
She did it not because she hated what someone else had,
She did it because she hated what SHE did NOT have,
She did it because she looks in the mirror and doesn’t see anything special,
Because she looks down and hates what she sees,
Because no matter how much she wants to she can’t stop eating,
She did it because she can’t stand who she is,
She did it because she can’t stand what she looks like,
She did it simply because,
She hates herself.
