Caricamento in corso...

the cigarettes warm touch

I smoke because it fills and and warms my cold, hollow body even though there not to kind. not to look cool or impress anybody.just keep that in I smoke these cigarettes
my lungs are turning as black and blue as the heart in my chest. It’s become these colors from the beatings it’s taken when I had become a pest. to the girls that became uninterested in my presence less and less.
Every time I think of all that I’ve lost it gives my spine the chills. So I try to warm my lonely bones with alcohol and pills that hopefully kill.
Last weekend I took about 6 and drank a bunch scotch not just for a thrill but to try to take place of what I have lost.
Because these three things now a days are a teens only friends. there what makes them feel when their body’s have become numb and their love they tried to give has the bends. till their lives have had enough and is moving towards the end.

Altre opere di Devon Wolfe...
