Caricamento in corso...


my Problems come so rapid that I drown them
So much that no life saver could rescue me and her spirit is so free  that she flies right over me and away from me..... hugh i never thought I need something so sweet i guess thats why I have diabetes lifes very ironic for me in a since that you can save me from every heart ache and pain except the ones you inflict on me You cause such and over flow of emotions to the point that it floods me but loves what I bought into into with no warranty or insurance so theres no feema for  me.. so I wait for assistance but its never good enough for me as I see a bird fly over and away from me I wonder when it get too cold where its going and the same  troubled waters here are dried up because up the summer ....where would this bird seek refuge?????? But then again this is a bird only a bird doing what birds do......

Altre opere di Donald Shields...
