Caricamento in corso...

**Crisis in the Bed**

In the realm of slumber, where dreams unfold,
A crisis rages, a story yet untold.
Each night a drama, a torment so deep,
As sleep eludes, and horrors creep.
The sheets become a battleground,
Where nightmares dance and terrors abound.
The bed, once a haven, now a cage,
Trapping the mind in a desperate rage.
Every toss and turn, a plea for respite,
But sleep remains elusive, a cruel plight.
The darkness presses, a suffocating weight,
As the mind spirals into a desolate state.
Each dream a torment, a haunting refrain,
Echoes of anguish, an endless pain.
Fear gnaws at the soul, a relentless fire,
Consuming all hope, leaving only dire.
The body trembles, the mind races,
As the crisis in the bed intensifies.
Sleep becomes a distant, elusive prize,
A tantalizing mirage that forever flies.
In the depths of night, the battle rages on,
A solitary soul, trapped and forlorn.
With each passing hour, the torment grows,
As the crisis in the bed takes its toll.

# Amor Dolor Admiracion

Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
