It is an honorable thought, And makes one lift one’s hat, As one encountered gentlefolk Upon a daily street, That we’ve immortal place,
Glory is that bright tragic thing That for an instant Means Dominion - Warms some poor name That never felt the Sun,
924 Love—is that later Thing than Dea… More previous—than Life— Confirms it at its entrance—And Usurps it—of itself—
205 I should not dare to leave my frie… Because—because if he should die While I was gone—and I—too late— Should reach the Heart that wante…
772 The hallowing of Pain Like hallowing of Heaven, Obtains at a corporeal cost— The Summit is not given
When Memory is full Put on the perfect Lid - This Morning’s finest syllable Presumptuous Evening said -
490 To One denied the drink To tell what Water is Would be acuter, would it not Than letting Him surmise?
A little road not made of man, Enabled of the eye, Accessible to thill of bee, Or cart of butterfly. If town it have, beyond itself,
Death leaves Us homesick, who beh… Except that it is gone Are ignorant of its Concern As if it were not born. Through all their former Places,…
240 Ah, Moon—and Star! You are very far— But were no one Farther than you—
Pain—has an Element of Blank— It cannot recollect When it begun—or if there were A time when it was not— It has no Future—but itself—
873 Ribbons of the Year— Multitude Brocade— Worn to Nature’s Party once Then, as flung aside
I am afraid to own a Body - I am afraid to own a Soul - Profound– precarious Property – Possession, not optional - Double Estate - entailed at plea…
914 I cannot be ashamed Because I cannot see The love you offer— Magnitude
201 Two swimmers wrestled on the spar— Until the morning sun— When One—turned smiling to the la… Oh God! the Other One!