#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
617 Don’t put up my Thread and Needle… I’ll begin to Sew When the Birds begin to whistle— Better Stitches—so—
All men for Honor hardest work But are not known to earn - Paid after they have ceased to wor… In Infamy or Urn -
527 To put this World down, like a Bu… And walk steady, away, Requires Energy—possibly Agony— ’Tis the Scarlet way
651 So much Summer Me for showing Illegitimate— Would a Smile’s minute bestowing
143 For every Bird a Nest— Wherefore in timid quest Some little Wren goes seeking rou… Wherefore when boughs are free—
Pain has an element of blank; It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not. It has no future but itself,
192 Poor little Heart! Did they forget thee? Then dinna care! Then dinna care! Proud little Heart!
186 What shall I do—it whimpers so— This little Hound within the Hear… All day and night with bark and st… And yet, it will not go—
396 There is a Languor of the Life More imminent than Pain— ’Tis Pain’s Successor—When the S… Has suffered all it can—
A darting fear—a pomp—a tear— A waking on a morn To find that what one waked for, Inhales the different dawn.
399 A House upon the Height— That Wagon never reached— No Dead, were ever carried down— No Peddler’s Cart—approached—
This is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me,- The simple news that Nature told, With tender majesty Her message is committed
313 I should have been too glad, I se… Too lifted—for the scant degree Of Life’s penurious Round— My little Circuit would have sham…
428 Taking up the fair Ideal, Just to cast her down When a fracture—we discover— Or a splintered Crown—
322 There came a Day at Summer’s full… Entirely for me— I thought that such were for the… Where Resurrections—be—