60 Like her the Saints retire, In their Chapeaux of fire, Martial as she! Like her the Evenings steal
786 Severer Service of myself I—hastened to demand To fill the awful Vacuum Your life had left behind—
489 We pray—to Heaven— We prate—of Heaven— Relate—when Neighbors die— At what o’clock to heaven—they fle…
Perhaps I asked too large— I take—no less than skies— For Earths, grow thick as Berries, in my native town— My Basked holds—just—Firmaments—
415 Sunset at Night—is natural— But Sunset on the Dawn Reverses Nature—Master— So Midnight's—due—at Noon.
225 Jesus! thy Crucifix Enable thee to guess The smaller size! Jesus! thy second face
There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take
I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, Eyes— I wonder if It weighs like Mine— Or has an Easier size. I wonder if They bore it long—
It dropped so low—in my Regard— I heard it hit the Ground— And go to pieces on the Stones At bottom of my Mind— Yet blamed the Fate that flung it…
The Beggar at the Door for Fame Were easily supplied But Bread is that Diviner thing Disclosed to be denied
880 The Bird must sing to earn the Cr… What merit have the Tune No Breakfast if it guaranty The Rose content may bloom
957 As One does Sickness over In convalescent Mind, His scrutiny of Chances By blessed Health obscured—
687 I’ll send the feather from my Hat… Who knows—but at the sight of that My Sovereign will relent? As trinket—worn by faded Child—
839 Always Mine! No more Vacation! Term of Light this Day begun! Failless as the fair rotation
LXI EACH life converges to some cent… Expressed or still; Exists in every human nature A goal,