#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
His voice decrepit was with Joy - Her words did totter so How old the News of Love must be To make Lips elderly That purled a moment since with G…
The Hills erect their Purple Hea… The Rivers lean to see Yet Man has not of all the Throng A Curiosity.
These Fevered Days—to take them t… Where Waters cool around the moss… And shade is all that devastates t… Seems it sometimes this would be a…
586 We talked as Girls do— Fond, and late— We speculated fair, on every subje… Of ours, none affair—
366 Although I put away his life— An Ornament too grand For Forehead low as mine, to wear… This might have been the Hand
619 Glee—The great storm is over— Four—have recovered the Land— Forty gone down together— Into the boiling Sand.
The Sea said 'Come’ to the Brook… The Brook said 'Let me grow’ - The Sea said 'Then you will be a… I want a Brook - Come now’! The Sea said 'Go’ to the Sea -
881 I’ve none to tell me to but Thee So when Thou failest, nobody. It was a little tie— It just held Two, nor those it he…
A darting fear—a pomp—a tear— A waking on a morn To find that what one waked for, Inhales the different dawn.
519 ’Twas warm—at first—like Us— Until there crept upon A Chill—like frost upon a Glass— Till all the scene—be gone.
One need not be a chamber to be ha… One need not be a house; The brain has corridors surpassing Material place. Far safer, of a midnight meeting
523 Sweet—You forgot—but I remembered Every time—for Two— So that the Sum be never hindered Through Decay of You—
329 So glad we are—a Stranger’d deem ’Twas sorry, that we were— For where the Holiday should be There publishes a Tear—
765 You constituted Time— I deemed Eternity A Revelation of Yourself— ’Twas therefore Deity
719 A South Wind—has a pathos Of individual Voice— As One detect on Landings An Emigrant’s address.