#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
535 She’s happy, with a new Content— That feels to her—like Sacrament— She’s busy—with an altered Care— As just apprenticed to the Air—
854 Banish Air from Air— Divide Light if you dare— They’ll meet While Cubes in a Drop
28 So has a Daisy vanished From the fields today— So tiptoed many a slipper To Paradise away—
713 Fame of Myself, to justify, All other Plaudit be Superfluous—An Incense Beyond Necessity—
There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take
310 Give little Anguish— Lives will fret— Give Avalanches— And they’ll slant—
528 Mine—by the Right of the White E… Mine—by the Royal Seal! Mine—by the sign in the Scarlet p… Bars—cannot conceal!
198 An awful Tempest mashed the air— The clouds were gaunt, and few— A Black—as of a Spectre’s Cloak Hid Heaven and Earth from view.
464 The power to be true to You, Until upon my face The Judgment push his Picture— Presumptuous of Your Place—
453 Love—thou art high— I cannot climb thee— But, were it Two— Who know but we—
408 Unit, like Death, for Whom? True, like the Tomb, Who tells no secret Told to Him—
XVII SHE rose to his requirement, drop… The playthings of her life To take the honorable work Of woman and of wife.
A Day! Help! Help! Another Day! Your prayers, oh Passer by! From such a common ball as this Might date a Victory! From marshallings as simple
Much Madness is divinest Sense - To a discerning Eye - Much Sense– the starkest Madness… ’Tis the Majority In this, as All, prevail -
Before you thought of spring, Except as a surmise, You see, God bless his suddenness… A fellow in the skies Of independent hues,