723 It tossed—and tossed— A little Brig I knew—o’ertook by… It spun—and spun— And groped delirious, for Morn—
The Soul selects her own Society— Then—shuts the Door— To her divine Majority— Present no more— Unmoved—she notes the Chariots—pa…
872 As the Starved Maelstrom laps the… As the Vulture teased Forces the Broods in lonely Valle… As the Tiger eased
763 He told a homely tale And spotted it with tears— Upon his infant face was set The Cicatrice of years—
906 The Admirations’—and Contempts’—o… Show justest’—through an Open Tom… The Dying’—as it were a Height Reorganizes Estimate
LXVII If I should die, And you should live, And time should gurgle on, And morn should beam,
965 Denial—is the only fact Perceived by the Denied— Whose Will—a numb significance— The Day the Heaven died—
250 I shall keep singing! Birds will pass me On their way to Yellower Climes— Each—with a Robin’s expectation—
620 It makes no difference abroad— The Seasons—fit—the same— The Mornings blossom into Noons— And split their Pods of Flame—
The inundation of the Spring Enlarges every soul - It sweeps the tenement away But leaves the Water whole - In which the soul at first estrang…
663 Again—his voice is at the door— I feel the old Degree— I hear him ask the servant For such an one—as me—
864 The Robin for the Crumb Returns no syllable But long records the Lady’s name In Silver Chronicle.
742 Four Trees—upon a solitary Acre— Without Design Or Order, or Apparent Action— Maintain—
641 Size circumscribes—it has no room For petty furniture— The Giant tolerates no Gnat For Ease of Gianture—
929 How far is it to Heaven? As far as Death this way— Of River or of Ridge beyond Was no discovery.