
"Internal Change True Change" by giovannimariatommaso

Seek you a change in behavior,
one, that will last eternally?
Then let Pavlov go for he was
only able to demonstrate
that fear can cause one to be so
intimidated they will feign
acquiescence, to get what they
want, need, or desire; & thus,
we come to the kernel of truth
in the matter of change in heart,
where all lasting change begins. So,
let us learn to meditate by
moving our spirits into the
quiet center of calm, removed
of matter, stress, & fear. Glancing
simply a momentary time,
throughout the day, consciously, in
love with the Creator of us;
He not only made the outside,
but the inside of the cup too.


The only true lasting change is internally

#Change #ChangeChange #Creator #CupInternalPavlov #Heart #Matter #Outside/inside #TrueBehavior

Other works by Giovanni Maria Tommaso...
