
To Budding Poets

Giovanni Maria Tommaso's Signature Poem

Dear Poets,
Keep on keeping on
Dear poets,
Keep on keeping on
for every attempt succeeded,
picture accomplishment,
will lead you to a more polished,
and presentable piece of art work
painted with, by, in, and through
the hues of feelings and emotions
brushed, by the strokes of love
Good luck and Godspeed always, giovannimariatommaso
No one succeeds to success on their own;
success is always
just around the corner
if we have but the eyes to see it.
Success is a person,
and all of us need the helping hand
which is amongst us,
around us, within us and without us,
THAT push, guidance, Godspeed, etc.,
in written, spoken, or demonstrated Word.

Author Notes

No one succeeds to success on their own; success is always just around the corner if we have but the eyes to see it.

Success is a person, and all of us need the helping hand which is amongst us, around us, within us and without us,

THAT push, guidance, Godspeed, etc., in written, spoken, or demonstrated Word.

I completed the poem. September 22, 2013

#Accomplishment #ArtisticAttempt #BuddingGiovanniKeepKeepongMariaPoem #ByHues #OnOn #Poems #PoetryPoets #Polished #Presentable #Tommaso #Work

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