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"THIS is Overkill" by giovannimariatommaso

There has to be a better system; a better solution,
to the perceived problems. This is overkill! When your
own Security kills you; then, “Houston we have a problem”!
Let’s get it together. Everyone instinctively knows that
too much bologna doesn’t make a good sandwich. It makes
for too many overweight, fat, burdensome, pigs, coiffing and
primping, pandering and wallowing in their own preconceived
illusory feelings of Ego building and esteemed sensitivities.
Bad, evil, lies, deserve no respect; their propagandized, nasty,
cruel, mean, psychological Ologies of science deserve death.
Holy Scripture tells us so, yet, in today’s happy upheaval of all
that is good and worthy of virtue strengthening truth, is dying.
Soon there will be no escape for all will be dark and the mind will
not be able to reason or intellect the difference. There will be no
oil left to light even the smallest candle of faith. No lamps to guide
the way to the wedding feast banquet table or to one’s self identity.

Security that doesn't protect but destroys those same individuals who it purports to protect for the sake of the momentum of an unstoppable machine of thought is absolutely wrong!

#Ego #OlogiesOverkill #Security #THISIsOfPsychologicalScience

Altre opere di Giovanni Maria Tommaso...
