Caricamento in corso...

A Lifeboat

A lifeboat then
Is that it?
A place we wake up in?
Knowing no-one, but looking, desperately needing connection
Seeing only fear looking back at us
A place unknown, in the darkness
Fear inside and fear without
Is that it?
This place?
Is this what a lifeboat is like?
Where were we before?
If I focus can I remember...
A ship, a musty cabin,
Engine throbbing like a distant dance party in hell, resonating in every wall and steel plate, ladder, corridor
Smell of hot oil, burning diesel, soot, sweat, hot paint
I think I like this lifeboat then
Out of the ship into the lifeboat
When we’re in the lifeboat
I think you’re more honest with me than you realise
Is it anger or fear which draw those raw truths out of you? Shouted truth, passionately thrown to the floor, or poured over my head, or thrown in my face
At other times, Intimate moments when time holds its breath so we can get ours
I wonder if the same rawness is available, or even possible, in calm seas?
So, where is the truth?
In the comfort of the ship? Or the vulnerability of the lifeboat? In the open ocean .... the ocean would whisper to us... of life and the universe and the magic of light glimpsed at night, ice fractured splintered refracted sun beams...  if only we’d venture further out to sea... losing sight of land

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