Caricamento in corso...


My eyes leak a lot
And my nose runs with snot
I suspect, although I’m not sure, that all this time there’s been a cup or a pot full of something which sometimes boils over or overflows
I wonder if somehow I’ve taken off the lid and I’m no longer afraid of what happens when
the passion
the temperature
the heat
is turned up and it boils and I might lose control of my face and I’m no longer afraid to feel a tightening in my chest and tears running down my cheeks and be unable to speak because I am feeling and my soul is simply full of raw emotion it’s a beautiful thing to allow myself to be washed over by that wave
to know that I’ll still be there when it withdraws
this too will pass
Let the world in
And the love flows out
I look for those who are leaking love
Who cant keep it in
And it gets on everything
And if you get close enough... on you too

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