
11 minutes

It actually took me 11 minutes to write this lol

How much time is considered a waste of time?
Looking at it from the outside waiting for things to come that never do may be a waste
But what if the waiting is what kept you safe or kept you from making a mistake
How many times have you felt like your presence in a space wasn’t appreciated and you said “I could have been doing something else”
But that same time you waited you wouldn’t be doing much of anything rather than not doing what you don’t want to do by yourself
I mean if I spent time with somebody I love that same time wouldn’t seem like enough
Crazy how perspective can shift a mood and make 7 hours feel like 2 and 10 minutes can feel like an eternity
How fast a month can flash and all I’ve been counting is seconds
Mad that I had to wait on you to call me back and it’s only been a moment but if you had to leave within 5 minutes that’s the only time we spent together I would notice
I’ve never understood my obsession with time being a keeper instead of just living in the present
Because no matter how much I want it to be 3 it’s still 2:49 but at least it’s not 2:47
And sometimes I wish it was 12 so I could at least have 3 hours to bask in a presence
So in reality does it really matter that we only have 11 minutes? Because regardless time will finish
Then continue within the next millisecond
Other works by Helaina Jones...
