Caricamento in corso...

Sonnet to the Strawberry

THE Strawberry blooms upon its lowly bed,
Plant of my native soil!—the Lime may fling
More potent fragrance on the zephyr’s wing,
The milky Cocoa richer juices shed,
The white Guava lovelier blossoms spread—
But not, like thee, to fond remembrance bring
The vanished hours of life’s enchanting spring;
Short calendar of joys for ever fled!
Thou bid’st the scenes of childhood rise to view,
The wild wood-path which fancy loves to trace;
Where, veil’d in leaves, thy fruit of rosy hue
Lurk’d on its pliant stem with modest grace.
But ah! when thought would later years renew,
Alas, successive sorrows crowd the space!
Altre opere di Helen Maria Williams...
