
cnf // twenty-five

marginalia from twenty-five years

shatter the hourglass. there are more stars in the sky than there is sand on the beaches anyway. i’m not pitching mile-markers. just leaning into reverie.

the ticking over of the hand into twenty-five. doing it all on my own terms / thumbing through bookshelves and noticing the quiet, drinking it in / singing my way through long drives / the things i like, not the things i’m supposed to like / savouring sweetness / refusing bitterness / setting my hair ablaze again/ big big earrings and moss-coloured nail polish and reminders round my neck / sunday roasts and surprise posies and smiles / queen of the may day parade.

i’m promising to put into place what i’ve learned: not to fishhook meaning where there is only surface / holding multiple truths simultaneously / seeing endings subjectively / building boundaries with bricks and mortar /  putting my own lifejacket on first / luxuriating in taurean hedonism / keeping souvenirs on my skin, the ones i choose / letting intuition take the wheel.

seeing where the mood takes me.

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