
We Were Made to Love

We were made to love
And I will
Wholeheartedly love
Until my breath ceases to expel warmth
Until my hands run cold and my mouth runs dry
Unequalled love is what I strive to express
Unrestricted and unlimited
Unyielding and undying
Stretching from sea to shining sea
corner to corner
With arms wide open
And stereotypes aside
I love you
So much you see
It is in my blood to love you
Which is red and sometimes even blue
We were made to love
And love everyone I shall
Whether you’re black or white
Yellow or brown
gay or straight
left winged or right winged
I love because I was first loved
Even though I let evil into my life
I will not let it run me into the crevice
\between the wall and the boulder
I will engage in war
If it means that evil will subside
If death does not happen
If evil hides itself
where no man can find it
What is there to fear
Besides fear itself
Victory has been won
The captive shall run free



Autres oeuvres par Itisinmyblood...
