Caricamento in corso...


I hurt
Every damn day
I hurt
It’s more than heart break
It’s more than feeling lost
It’s more than feeling alone
It’s more than I can explain
All I know is I hurt
I break
I fall
I cry
I scream
But none of this is heard
My mouth doesn’t open
And I’m alway standing
So what’s hurting
What’s breaking and fall
What’s screaming and crying
What’s begging for help
What’s scared to get close
What’s tired of existing
What’s inside
What’s hurting
This thing is broken
Beyond broken
There’s no fixing this
There’s no bandages
No remedies
No saviors
Nothing’s coming to save me
Nothing’s coming to my rescue
Nothing’s working
Nothing’s helping
Nothing’s healing
Everything’s broken
Everything’s wrong
And the worst part is now I know
I know what’s hurt
I know what’s broken
I know what’s scared
I know what’s crying
It’s so obvious
How could I be oblivious
To see that I
The broken girl staring into a blood stained shattered mirror
I am not broken
But my soul is
My soul hurts

So yeah....I want to die

Altre opere di J.C Upshaw...
