Caricamento in corso...

Your Sick Side

T. wrestles with insanity. Son takes it all in.

Are you ready for the perfect storm?
If you come at me-by not communicating
Whenever. You decide.
If that’s what you want that’s where
We are  headed.  If you choose to
Engage in this type of  hardball
Be carefully you don’t fall.
By playing with the wrong ball–
Mine. You’ve unfairly put yourself
In a position of power by telling
Stories to the court. Two totally different
Ones to be exact.
What would Judge
Think of that?
You’ve  been able to make the rules.
I’ve had to follow them.
But do I really?
They are not formed
From reality.
Are they really rules
If they are illegally sanctioned.
So don’t sit there and think
Somehow you are protecting
Your son. That’s a conveniently
Crazy justification for a pitiful
Series of choices you have
Made relative to Joseph
And my relationship.
You are a damaging force
as Becky is.
Not having Joseph not call me
While you are there is so UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then you said it was Dave’s influence -
well who is it
Becky or Dave?
It’s a sin.
You will pay
Here on earth or in Heaven.
Hopefully you are around for
Joseph for many years to come.
I think you are good for him in some ways.
And bad in other ways. You choose a non-empathetic selfish way.
When it comes to our (Joseph and I) relationship.
Preventing me from sporting activities
And other school activities
That you never tell me about!!!
I had to hire a lawyer to see him
For Christ’s sake.
You are ridiculous.
Like having Joseph claim NY Christmas was his idea
That’s just awful. It’s abusive. It’s putting him in an adult
What is wrong with you?
A few days later laying in bed
after we said our prayer–
he said it wasn’t his idea
to stay in NY.
You are terrible to do have done this to your son!!!
I still can’t believe you would be so insane.
In some ways– you are not.
I worry about this for Joseph’s sake.
He takes everything in
like a sponge
as you don’t seem to be aware
Or care.


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