
Back to my Roots (D)

a ballad

Back to my roots is where I’ll go.
It’s only there that my heart will flow.
Until the end of time, mine at least,
Will I forever fear that awful beast!
The one that haunts me and fills my dreams
With scenes of horror, death, and screams.
Back to my roots is where I’ll go.
It’s only there that my heart will flow.
The things, the demons of my past know
That I am scared, panicked, and don’t wanna go.
They wait, lying silent until the time is right
To pounce, prey, and devour all my might
And so, back to my roots is where I’ll go.
It’s only there that my heart will flow.
My battle is hard, difficult at times.
I fight, I strive, and have no Sublime.
My soul, my heart, is dead on the inside.
It feels empty, and draws back like the tide.
Back to my roots is where I’ll go.
It’s only there that my heart will flow.
I strive on though, and will not stop.
Living my life all the way to the top!
My roots are strong now, I shall not fall.
And no demons or beasts now, none at all.

My first attempt at ballads. I wrote this during a difficult time in my life, a divorce. If you enjoy this work, every poem that I wrote during that time has a (D) after the title.2011


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