
The Magic of life...

Seems like just yesterday I was a bright eyed innocent child.
Now I am a growing woman craving that feeling of being wild
Dreaming of unicorns and wishing to fly into the deeply lit up starry sky
Longing for the first kiss of true love
The beautiful feeling of falling into love
Friends for life we all said
Friends joined by souls instead
Always living a full life yet full of mystery
Living our dreams and creating our own history
A world solely created in the imagination
The magic of the other world is my infatuation
As I grow I seem to fight to stay here just bit longer
I don’t want to grow any stronger
A magical life with so much more to offer if you believe
Believe in the magic and be free and receive
Magic happens more than we understand
Be the creator of your own fantasy
And never stop believing
In all the beauty and dreams you will be receiving

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