Caricamento in corso...

One single ray from the Sun

There are those that we are blessed to cross paths with in this earthly realm, who's lives inspire us to dream, and look to God, and realize who we are in Him!!
This is in dedication to one of those children of God, whom ever you may be, can you say I am

One single ray from the Sun . could do so much . to bless all those that be around . To brighten their way . And give them joy . To light their path . And show them the way . Illuminating their understanding . As they walk along the narrow path . Though there be danger to the right and to the left . They need not fear . for the light that guides their every step . From one single ray from the Sun . Sun ray . Son light . Eternal Yah . The breaking dawn . Leading us back to Eternal day . The dimention beyond time . One single ray of His Glorious Sonshine . Though there be many . That light our path along the way . To find . That we too can shine . With Glorious Sonlight . One single ray from the Sun .


Altre opere di Francisco...
