Caricamento in corso...

Roads are for Toads

As I walked in the woods one day
I came across a road.
It forked and spun every which-a-way
And upon it sat a toad.
I said “hello”, the toad looked up
With his green and yellow eyes
And with that he began to talk
To my amazement and surprise.
He said, “listen up and take a knee,
For a moment lend me your ear,
I do not chat with just anyone
Heed my words as most sincere.
This road on which I sit is not
An ordinary trail
It will decide your future self
Whether you pass or whether you fail.
It twists and turns, it forks and splits
For every choice you make,
And on it you must walk right now
So decide which path to take.
I looked to the left, and then due right
At the neat and tidy road
And then I gave a little sigh
And looked back at the toad.
”My decision is made," I calmly said
And walked a strait across the path
And into the woods I did disappear
And let out a smug little laugh.
Then came a yell “Stop and come back!
That is not part of the road!”
But I didn’t slow, I did not look back.
Roads are for suckers and toads.
