Caricamento in corso...

Confined by clothes

The girl who sits in front of me
Wears a hat, that hides the eyes creating mystery
A shadow hangs under trying to creep down and hide her face
But her smile makes itself known with a subtle grace
Her hair weaved together put in place along her shoulder
But it screams for freedom by the loose ends that are broken free
Cloaked in a lax black hoodie
Covering all above the waist, oh the cruelty that man suffers
But wait! The tights she wears hug her shape quite sharply giving hindsight to what lies above
Still considering the time and place I must keep my eyes on her face
And I look for ways to uncap the cloud giving shade
To such an angel like herself with a smile of heavenly grace
But I fail to do so and before I know it, the angel isn’t there
Because while trying to write this complementary complaint to give to her, she arose and escaped.

