Caricamento in corso...

My Dream Man,

“Come to me..” You whispered in my dreams,
I lift my heavy eyes,
“Come to me..”
I leave my bed, and drift listlessly to my window,
I must be dreaming,
For there you stood,
Below my balcony,
Your arms outstretched to me,
Who are you?
Why do you still persist in seeing me?
The full moon illuminates your face,
You smile at me, and its sweet,
My hands grip the rail,
My body following its own creed,
Though my mind blasts against it,
I climb over the side,
Still you’re there, still waiting,
The blood freezes in my veins,
I slip from the balcony,
I am floating now, through the air,
Will you catch me?
Languidly, I open my eyes,
Everything is in motion,
A thick mist has settled now,
But I feel no cold,
I can see the bright moon,
And.. gravestones,
I am swirling past them,
Circling and turning,
A hand touches my cheek and
I know its you,
How did we get here?
“I’ve waited for this..”
Somehow, I have too,
In this graveyard, in this moment,
I leave myself to your keeping,
I give my will over to abandon,
I feel free in your arms,
My trust is absolute,
Your hand caresses my neck,
And as I glance at you,
I notice more,
Your milk-white skin,
Your hungry eyes,
I’m beginning to fear you,
I’ve had it again,
The same dream, over again,
I cannot begin to grasp why it happens,
The beautiful man at my window,
The mist covered graveyard,
The pain..
I move to the balcony,
Though I know you’re not there,
I sense you watching me,
A passing butterfly flutters by,
Reaching out to grasp it, I notice,
Two small red dots on my wrist,
I shiver, and wonder,
Was my dream a dream at all?

Altre opere di Jessalynn D'ghent...
