Caricamento in corso...


Beautiful, vibrant flowers of May,
filled the landscape as far as I could see;
but late in the afternoon one day,
I find her swinging sweetly from a tree.
Her delicate frame held by wood and by string,
as her mind wandered far beyond the fields ahead.
Graceful and young, the essence of spring.
Peaceful, undisturbed, not a word to be said.
A beautiful birdsong erupts around us,
marking the day done. Signalling the night
to draw in, the very beginnings of dusk.
It’s then he calls her, a voice out of sight...
I know I must go, though I wish I could stay.
In the sunset I see her for the last time,
she smiles and laughs, turns my way,
I finally see it, she’s me when I was nine.
