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Jessica Norton

My name is Jessica Norton. I am only 13 years old. I am in middle school (which is a very hard time socially) which gives me a lot to write about. I plan on skipping high school and going straight to college. I live in a very wealthy area where the people think that if you do not have a mansion and an iPhone, you are poor. This also gives me ideas for my writing. Please read my work and tell me what you think, I want my work to be the best it can be. Thank you.

My name is Jessica Norton. I am only 13 years old. I am in middle school (which is a very hard time socially) which gives me a lot to write about. I plan on skipping high school and going straight to college. I live in a very wealthy area where the people think that if you do not have a mansion and an iPhone, you are poor. This also gives me ideas for my writing. Please read my work and tell me what you think, I want my work to be the best it can be. Thank you.
