Caricamento in corso...

Prolly Kill Me

Family Shit. Broken Heart Shit. Toxic CryBaby I Been Actin’ Like A Sissy Lala Princess Girl Type Sht.

It’ll prolly kill me to see another nigga makin’ my son’s mom happy... Just bein’ honest. I wanna give my son everything in the world, and hopefully I can give him a happy mom, eventually. I’m not even gonna get “poetic” on this one, cus these are just my raw thoughts. I literally think about them every single day... when I say every single day. I mean Every. Single. Day. I had to get away from toxic tho, and what I mean by that is... She confused me. We were doin’ family, and couple sht again at one point, but I kinda knew she was just on some “in the moment” type sht. It was great while it lasted. Really it was wonderful. Seein’ her and our  son more and more gave me LIFE.... I wanna LIVE some more... to be continued (If that’s in God’s plans)

Me Bein’ A Hopeless Romantic, A Simp, And A CryBaby.


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Altre opere di Jay Da Glo ✨...
