
Freedom of speech!

A price worth paying!

Educate not legislate!

Do not let your legislature erode your rights in the name of political correctness or by creating a culture of fear!

Political correctness has gone mad, I’ll pursue this cause with Vigour.
I’ll scream.  And shout.  And make a noise.  And jump about like Tigger.
I’ll plan a march from town to town wearing sensible boots, like Rigger.
I’ll write a poem to express my thoughts, just as long as I don’t use the “N” word!
We’ll ask a name to design a shirt JPG, Versace or Hilfiger.
We’ll jump on board one of the latest fads seek endorsement from a big bro ligger.
We’ll be criticised by some right on wife says we shouldn’t speak.  Well frig her!
Do an article for Today and the Times, just so long as we don’t say the “N” word!
Strictly can do a dance-a-thon with Arlene, we’ll call it Jigger.
An X-factor extravaganza will be required and Simon will want it bigger.
Comic relief for a worthy cause, make a point and make us snigger.
A multi media battle for rights!  Just so long as we don’t use the “N” word.
Say what you will and say what you want,
But be prepared to be wrong!
If you listen as hard as you vent your spleen,
Chances are we’ll get along!
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