(For Robert Cortez Holliday) If I should live in a forest And sleep underneath a tree, No grove of impudent saplings Would make a home for me.
Tired clerks, pale girls, street c… Boys, priests and harlots, drunkar… Each one the pleasant outer sunshi… They mingle in this stifling, loud… The gate clangs to– we stir– we sw…
For blows on the fort of evil That never shows a breach, For terrible life-long races To a goal no foot can reach, For reckless leaps into darkness
We who beg for bread as we daily t… Country lane and city street, Let us kneel and pray on the broad… To the saint with the vagrant feet… Our altar light is a buttercup bri…
A few long-hoarded pennies in his… Behold him stand; A kilted Hedonist, perplexed and… The joy that once he had, The first delight of ownership is…
Why is that wanton gossip Fame So dumb about this man’s affairs? Why do we titter at his name Who come to buy his curious wares? Here is a shop of wonderment.
(For S.M.L.) I like to look at the blossomy tra… But it isn’t half so fine a sight… When it all was covered over with… And over the crisp and radiant roa…
(For Aline) When you shall die and to the sky Serenely, delicately go, Saint Peter, when he sees you the… Will clash his keys and say:
(For Aline) Monsignore, Right Reverend Bishop Valentinus… Sometime of Interamna, which is c… Now of the delightful Court of He…
There was a gentle hostler (And blessed be his name!) He opened up the stable The night Our Lady came. Our Lady and Saint Joseph,
Serene he stands, with mist serene… And draws a cloak of trees about h… The thunder roars but cannot break… And from his rugged face the tempe… He does not heed the angry lightni…
Because we never build a nest And no one of us ever sings, We are the butt of every jest That strutting loud-mouthed robin… Unless the field with laughter rin…
With shameless and incessant lust Thy tremulous hot hands are thrust Upon my body’s loveliness. O loathsome Age, thy foul caress Puts on my heart a deadly blight,
(For Aline) Homer, they tell us, was blind and… Looking up into his own and reflec… Yet did he seem Gifted with eyes that could follow…
Squire Adam had two wives, they s… Two wives had he, for his delig… He kissed and clypt them all the d… And clypt and kissed them all t… Now Eve like ocean foam was wh…