Squire Adam had two wives, they s… Two wives had he, for his delig… He kissed and clypt them all the d… And clypt and kissed them all t… Now Eve like ocean foam was wh…
Her lips’ remark was: “Oh, you ki… Her soul spoke thus (I know it di… “O king of realms of endless joy, My own, my golden grocer’s boy, I am a princess forced to dwell
For blows on the fort of evil That never shows a breach, For terrible life-long races To a goal no foot can reach, For reckless leaps into darkness
The roar of the world is in my ear… Thank God for the roar of the wor… Thank God for the mighty tide of… Against me always hurled! Thank God for the bitter and ceas…
(For S.M.L.) I like to look at the blossomy tra… But it isn’t half so fine a sight… When it all was covered over with… And over the crisp and radiant roa…
(For Sara Teasdale) The lonely farm, the crowded stree… The palace and the slum, Give welcome to my silent feet As, bearing gifts, I come.
(For Robert Cortez Holliday) If I should live in a forest And sleep underneath a tree, No grove of impudent saplings Would make a home for me.
The halls that were loud with the… Are still with a stillness that is… And never a gust of laughter break… Or rises to shake the ivied walls… The dust is on book and on empty d…
When I am tired of earnest men, Intense and keen and sharp and cle… Pursuing fame with brush or pen Or counting metal disks forever, Then from the halls of Shadowland
Vain is the chiming of forgotten b… That the wind sways above a ruined… Vainer his voice in whom no longer… Hunger that craves immortal Bread… Light songs we breathe that perish…
(For Aline) Monsignore, Right Reverend Bishop Valentinus… Sometime of Interamna, which is c… Now of the delightful Court of He…
When Dawn strides out to wake a d… Across green fields and yellow hil… The little twittering birds laugh… And poise triumphant on his shinin… He bears a sword of flame but not…
Not on the lute, nor harp of many… Shall all men praise the Master o… Our life is brief, one saith, and… And skilled must be the laureates… Silent, O lips that utter foolish…
1 My shoulders ache beneath my… 2 (Lie easier, Cross, upon Hi… 3 I march with feet that burn… 4 (Tread, Holy Feet, upon my… 5 Men shout at me who may not…
(For the Rev. James J. Daly, S.… Bright stars, yellow stars, flashi… Are you errant strands of Lady Ma… As she slits the cloudy veil and b… Do you fall across her cheeks and…