Caricamento in corso...


What a world we have to live in—filled with wonder and delight.
By day animals and plants give us beautiful things to look at.
Twelve hours later, stars shine and the moon appears in the night.
People complain and regret, fall in love and then forget.
Living is a living, changing, growing; an abundantly complex thing.
People are born with minds that expand, who learn to speak
Who communicate, who gather and pray, and who joyfully sing.
Who change the environment and our world to a point which is bleak?
Also complain and fill them selves with regret about how things exist.
They blame the creator and everyone else for their lack of foresight.
Crying, dying, and decay are natural things we come to bear—
When also love, brotherhood, and our lives, to each of a gift—the light.
The long tunnel lies, a fuzziness, and at the end only the light so bright.
Is not the soul that part of us that helps decide: our conscientiousness..
If a soul and body are in tune then each of shares the gift of peace.
We have an ability to understand; we inherit all the good.
When we behave and become in tune with our creator as we should.
We become people of the light who care and love, who never despair.
Who come to be community?
Who call each other brother and sister?
What a world we live in, the sun with its rays, our skin can blister,
The oceans of the world filled with fish, and awesome power.
The night is day; one minute becomes several minutes; then alas becomes the hour.
A harmony and disharmony effect is a force to which we are compelled.
The greatest of what we have been given—our world.
Brother and sister take hold, and given in to the light.
Receive it’s knowledge and peace, the gift of love, our future is bright.
Beyond what we know—
Awareness of our soul and all things that help us grow.
Understanding and wisdom also gifts of our soul.
What a world we have to live in—filled with wonder and delight.
By day animals and plants give us beautiful things to look at,
Twelve hours later star shine and moon appears by night.
Written September 01, 2009
Copyright by Benito J Cantu, poemas de cantubj


Considered the Supernatural power that brings into completeness with life, nature and love, a certain type of peace.

Altre opere di Juan Benito...
