Caricamento in corso...


How do you deal with fear?

How do you explain fear to a man that has never known it? Something so deeply embedded into everyone that it becomes exactly who that person is. Fear? How do you combat it? Possibly slither around over or even under it? Evading and circumventing? That’s not possible it’s always around the corner like the changing of seasons. Possible confronting it? Attempting to defy the things that scare you and place you into a petrifying trans? No it’s not that simple in taking this route your fear partakes into its own form of meiosis sprouting and forming cancerous cells that engulf the prior, double in size and becomes a bigger problem. I will tell you one thing. The only way to combat fear and come out with your arms raised is to fight with love and passion. Not the type of love that you express and experience on a wedding day. But the type of love and passion you feel when 2 bodies are intertwined in physical melodies. Though that passion is temporary it’s something about that spark that makes time stand still and make you feel immortal to the point there is nothing but two souls in their own purgatory. This alone makes you feel like you can overtake your fears forever. When facing fear may love be your sword and passion be your shield. For the beginning of the battle is fought but the war is won over by strategy.


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