Caricamento in corso...

I dont understand

Sometimes I don’t understand why I am the way that I am
I don’t understand why I can’t be anyone other than me
I hate my body I hate my face
To this world I’m just a disgrace
I feel so lonely I feel so sad
When I’m dead I’ll just be glad
I don’t know how people walk around
With a smile on their face all the time
I try and put on a smile but on the inside I’m dying
And on the outside I’m crying
Why won’t this pain just go away?
Because all I ever wanted was for
The pain and suffering of hating myself to be gone
And that’s what I’ve ever wanted all along
I just want someone to love me for me
For everything deep in my heart I know I can be
Just give me a chance to prove myself and without a doubt
I can be the best me that I can be.

Piaciuto o affrontato da...
Altre opere di Karissa Shay...
